I’m sure I don't have to remind you how important exercise is!
Did you know, that exercise benefits you, both physically and mentally?
Last week I shared some information from an interview published in Medscape Psychiatry, about a Harvard professor who is an expert in ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). This professor is a strong advocate of exercise for those diagnosed with ADD.
So today, I thought I would list for you some of the benefits of exercise...
- Improved focus
- Improves memory
- Reduces distraction
- Improved executive functioning
- Improved cognition
- Enhances phonemic awareness
Improve cardiovascular circulation
Improves aerobic capacity
Improves balance
Improves coordination
Please find physical activities your children love doing and have them do it on a regular basis.
Choose sports that do not have body impact, you do not want your child sustaining head injuries, even minor concussions impact your child’s brain and hence their behaviour and their learning.
If the sport requires protective gear, such as a helmet, knee, elbow or shin pads please ensure your child is wearing them, even if they do not want to wear them.
So, which exercise activities are good for children with ADD, ADHD or Learning Disabilities you might ask?
Let me give you a few suggestions… table tennis, soccer, swimming and dancing.