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Bio-feedback can help children with ADHD

June 1, 2017

About 3 weeks ago I wrote a blog called “Just Relax!”

I outlined what the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health had to say about relaxation techniques for health, and I also listed the techniques they suggested, such as…

  • progressive muscle relaxation
  • breathing techniques
  • meditation
  • yoga
  • tai chi
  • guided imagery
  • biofeedback
  • self-hypnosis

Many of these techniques are recommended by the teddy bears in the “But why…RELAX like that?” book.


Today I would like to highlight biofeedback which is not in the “But why…?” series.

Biofeedback is also known as neuro-feedback. So let’s have a look at what it is.

Neuro-feedback helps train an overly stimulated or under-active brain to self-regulate itself. It is used to help those with ADHD, sleep issues, headaches, and other emotional issues.

For children with ADHD, the biofeedback programs are designed like computer games. The child is seated in front of a screen with a cap on their head with wires that measure their brainwave activity. The child can see the game on the screen and their brainwave activity. They are then shown how to play the game by controlling their brainwaves.

The aim of the biofeedback programs is to help children to focus better and to pay closer attention. It also helps with behavioural issues. As children love playing computer games, this is a fun way to help children with ADHD to control their brainwaves and hence their behaviour.

In 2009, a group of researchers analysed the results from many studies over many years, involving neuro-feedback and concluded that the outcomes were clinically meaningful. What they found was that there were large positive outcomes for improving inattention and impulsivity. Also, there were moderate positive outcomes for improving hyperactivity.

So, why not ask you child’s doctor about trying out neuro-feedback for your child, or not!