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Children with ADHD who exercise in the morning, concentrate better at school

March 28, 2017

I'm sure you have all heard about the importance of exercise by now!

Did you know, that daily exercise not only improves your physical health but also your mental health?

Did you know that children with ADHD who exercise in the mornings, concentrate better at school?

Allow me to share with you some interesting research findings that support the above statement…

In 2012 a research study was conducted to examine the effects of exercise on children with ADHD. The results showed that children who did 20 minutes of aerobic exercise, were able to focus more and were less distracted. In fact, both children with and without ADHD in this study exhibited "greater performance in the areas of reading and arithmetic".

So, which exercise activities are good for children with ADHD, you might ask?

Let me give you a few suggestions... yoga, table tennis and cycling.

Quite often, when parents make suggestions, children with ADHD do the opposite! “But why… EXERCISE like that?” uses the teddy bear characters from the “But why…?” book series, to encourage children to do specific exercises every day!